Sunday, May 8, 2011

Puzzle Fundraiser

I've had this picture made into a special puzzle just for Gigi and her new family. I added Ps.139:13-16 "I will praise you for I am fearfully and wonderfully soul knows it very well." That last phrase really stood out to me. I couldn't help wondering "Can Gigi say that? Can she say that her soul knows of God's great works? Does she know that God made her?" It became the crux of my prayers - that she would one day be able to claim those verses as her own.

With this puzzle (and God's help!), I hope to be able to aid the Stevens family with the adoption costs. Here's how it works. Before I can put the puzzle together, each piece must be sponsored. I'm asking that each piece be sponsored for $10. You can sponsor either by using the Chipin button under Gigi's picture or by sending a check to Reece's Rainbow (address at end of the post)Both ways are tax deductible. If you send a check, please let me know via email ( so that I can add your piece to the puzzle. Each sponsor's name will be written down and when the puzzle is finished, I will give it to the Steven's family along with the names of you who helped =)

More important than sponsoring Gigi with our money is aiding her with our prayers. Please take time to pray for her and the Stevens family.

Make checks payable to:
Reece's Rainbow
(Gigi #49-1)
PO Box 4024
Gaithersburg, MD 20885

Also put Gigi's name in the memo section of your check.